Very Short Stories

/, Literature, Blesok no. 17/Very Short Stories

Very Short Stories

The Wrong Step
Awkward Games
Monsters in the Cellar
The Inner Abyss
A Fatal Mistake
Consequences оf Carelessness
A Dire Strait
A Telegram

In his dreams he had beautiful experiences: crazy adventures, wondrous occurrences, unique situations. Every night he fell into the most unexpected events, the most unbelievable love affairs, the most heroic turns of fate.
One day, during a journey, he bought a book by a writer unfamiliar to him. And, right from the start, from the first pages, he was awestruck: all his dreams were described in it, his entire second life, in the minutest detail.
He lacked the courage to mention a single word about it to anyone, assuming that no one would believe him, but, nevertheless, he continued to buy this author’s books. In them he went on finding his dreams and all those adventures through which he passed from night to night.
All the obstacles that he encountered in dreams were easily resolved: the dream itself gave him the power to resolve them without any effort. That is why he was not afraid when one night he found himself dreaming of being in a deep dungeon, between concrete walls and iron bars. He was sure that things would soon turn better, suddenly and with no explanation. He waited for that moment to occur, he waited, and he is still waiting.
So it was because he never had the opportunity to learn that that night, in another city, the author who wrote down his dreams died, leaving his last story unfinished.

2018-08-21T17:23:51+00:00 October 1st, 2000|Categories: Prose, Literature, Blesok no. 17|0 Comments