He should not have told his dream to his wife.
In his dream, which he often had in his sleep, he descended a great wall by means of a rope. It was a part a fortress, the turret of some medieval castle. In his dream he descended the rope, propping his feet against the wall and trying not to look at the terrifying abyss below him. The descent lasted quite awhile and was very arduous and invigorating.
He should not have told that dream to his wife because the following evening, as soon as he began to descend the rope, a woman’s hand stretched out of a dark casement in the wall, extended a knife and held it against the rope.
He cried out and plummeted into the abyss.
They found him in the morning, dead, fallen out of his bed. Heart attack, the doctors concluded.
Everything was easily explained, except for the presence of the knife alongside his wife’s bed, but except for her, no one gave it a thought.
Very Short Stories
The Wrong Step
Awkward Games
Monsters in the Cellar
The Inner Abyss
A Fatal Mistake
Consequences оf Carelessness
A Dire Strait
A Telegram
Awkward Games
Monsters in the Cellar
The Inner Abyss
A Fatal Mistake
Consequences оf Carelessness
A Dire Strait
A Telegram