Very Short Stories

/, Literature, Blesok no. 17/Very Short Stories

Very Short Stories

The Wrong Step
Awkward Games
Monsters in the Cellar
The Inner Abyss
A Fatal Mistake
Consequences оf Carelessness
A Dire Strait
A Telegram

Sometimes a man really has the need for light and simple diversions.
Therefore, one evening you find yourself in a rather unusual amusement park. It is fenced with barbed wire, at the entrance stand frowning guards who watch the people going in.
Inside everything looks as usual in such places: merry-go-rounds, fortune machines, all kinds of lotteries, shooting galleries.
You approach the shooting gallery: attracted by the small multicolored targets. They appear to be strangely dressed small people of tin who move on rails by means of small wheels. You have to aim at their bellies; when you hit them they bend over and fall in a funny way.
There, just then one appears in your sights. You shoot.
At the same moment, on a battlefield a thousand kilometers away, a soldier dressed in a similar way bends over, hit in the stomach.
The music at the fair, which fills the air, makes his cry inaudible.

2018-08-21T17:23:51+00:00 October 1st, 2000|Categories: Prose, Literature, Blesok no. 17|0 Comments