Very Short Stories

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Very Short Stories

The Wrong Step
Awkward Games
Monsters in the Cellar
The Inner Abyss
A Fatal Mistake
Consequences оf Carelessness
A Dire Strait
A Telegram

After dreaming for a long time about it, you suddenly realize that you know how to fly. And that is a certain and undeniable fact.
First you try out your gift in the room: to the ceiling, the chandelier, the topmost shelves of the library – everything is within your reach.
Then, early in the morning, when there are not many people around, you fly out of your window. You circle above the ravine of the street, you examine closely the roofs, in the course of your flight you brush against television antennas.
A few days later, you discover the vistas the heights afford. Above the mountains, the woods, above the sea – everywhere you look stretch new perspectives, full of the wondrous, indescribable freedom of the deep expanses.
But then, when you return fatigued to your room in the evenings, your nightmares start: from night to night you dream of walking on the ground, and it is unbearably nauseating and terrifying.

2018-08-21T17:23:51+00:00 October 1st, 2000|Categories: Prose, Literature, Blesok no. 17|0 Comments