Would You Care for a Lifting

/, Blesok no. 47/Would You Care for a Lifting

Would You Care for a Lifting

Woman Codriver
Would You Care for a Lifting
Ten Years Ago
People that Keep on Whining
Well, I Write on Everything
You Can’t See the Fog from the Sun
Doesn’t Matter – I Greet Everybody
Three Pregnant Women at a Party
We Learn to Eat

Your mood is written on your face
but a small surgical intervention of the word
with an honest broad smile opposite
with an encouraging stimulation of a real friend
with a small joke that makes the worry go to hell
your face can tighten your nose can become smaller
and your dying eyes can shine again –
come out of home out of that skyscraper tomb
and join us in our group therapy

you don’t need a shrink
you need a bartender with a character

2018-08-21T17:23:15+00:00 April 16th, 2006|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 47|0 Comments