Would You Care for a Lifting

/, Blesok no. 47/Would You Care for a Lifting

Would You Care for a Lifting

Woman Codriver
Would You Care for a Lifting
Ten Years Ago
People that Keep on Whining
Well, I Write on Everything
You Can’t See the Fog from the Sun
Doesn’t Matter – I Greet Everybody
Three Pregnant Women at a Party
We Learn to Eat

They measure each other’s bellies
they guess their months –

the one that comes out of the toilet
tomorrow enters the ninth

the food is delicious
but they restrain
they’d light a cigarette
but their husbands nag

three chairs in three corners –
wherever they sit they’re in a waiting room

three states of bliss
with a vomiting urge
(they also vomited last year – from tequila and beer)

the first one would like a girl
the second one her first to be a boy

the third one is about to explode
“whatever it is – if only it’s fast”

they deceit themselves that they’re successful
whose careers will end by
ironing diapers

but they will really only
be pregnant for a while
and only then they’ll become proven
successful women

2018-08-21T17:23:15+00:00 April 16th, 2006|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 47|0 Comments