Would You Care for a Lifting

/, Blesok no. 47/Would You Care for a Lifting

Would You Care for a Lifting

Woman Codriver
Would You Care for a Lifting
Ten Years Ago
People that Keep on Whining
Well, I Write on Everything
You Can’t See the Fog from the Sun
Doesn’t Matter – I Greet Everybody
Three Pregnant Women at a Party
We Learn to Eat

People that keep on whining
are boring and you avoid them
the best you can

but it’s hard to avoid the people
that keep on whining
(especially in these whining times)

sometimes you feel stinking sick
you want a careless happy crowd
people who don’t nag when they go down

but whines creep in dark corners
like magicians hopping out of toilet
seats when you rejoice the empty bar in vain

there he is – at the only shady table
how can you choose between two evils –
better burnt by the sun than bored by a fool

people that keep on whining
can sometimes really make you laugh
but to hell with this laugh that only makes you cry

troubles poverty are tragic
and it’s virtue not to mention them
glory to all who try to be careless

it’s hard to avoid the people that whine
but if you join them and whine louder than all
they’ll escape and panicking avoid you in the future

2018-08-21T17:23:15+00:00 April 16th, 2006|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 47|0 Comments