The Poem And The Butterfly

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The Poem And The Butterfly

The Poem and the Butterfly (Metamorphosis)
The Night of my Death is Approaching
Marble (Pillar)
The Deposition from the Cross (a Fresco)
The Entry Into Jerusalem (a Fresco)
We Walk Holding Hands

It enlarges my pupils
Rinsed and juicy it enters my soul
And I, God knows why, utter:

Oh, mother,
You that patterned your veins
In colourful moments of sorrow and life
And did not forget my caliginous body
Nor my cursed lamb.

As I lie down on the yarn
I feel two celestial rays
Lifting me to the realm
Of eternity and

Nerezi, 1984

AuthorMihail Rendžov
2018-08-21T17:24:06+00:00 March 1st, 1998|Categories: Blesok no. 01, Poetry|0 Comments