The Poem And The Butterfly

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The Poem And The Butterfly

The Poem and the Butterfly (Metamorphosis)
The Night of my Death is Approaching
Marble (Pillar)
The Deposition from the Cross (a Fresco)
The Entry Into Jerusalem (a Fresco)
We Walk Holding Hands

We stand here: He all bright
I dark. Suddenly
The waters opened up –
The sanctuary doors closed.

From the soul then
Rose nightingales
And vanished behind the walls.

Does it mean I have entered into Jerusalem?

No, I have not entered;
They have brought me out from there.

AuthorMihail Rendžov
2018-08-21T17:24:06+00:00 March 1st, 1998|Categories: Blesok no. 01, Poetry|0 Comments