Grimaces of Language

/, Blesok no. 65/Grimaces of Language

Grimaces of Language

Blue Pictures on a Green Easel
Thoughts in a Moon Catamaran
Larger Than Everything
Behind the Mask
From the Top of the Moment
Back Across the Opposite Pole
Linguistic Search Party
We Count the Year Rings of the Body
Grimaces of Language

from the top of the moment we look out across nothing
it is better to lead an exciting landscape into the poem
and freshen it up by adding color ..
a deep-red sun still hangs for a little while at the end of the runway
where fields of flowers and grain lean down towards the sea
at this frozen moment the sky is completely without clothes
the enormous flood waters become an eye rolling across the earth
that on its wanderings carries with it visible spices ..

this is the salt I lick and gather with the tip of my tongue
from the silky surface of your taut breasts ..
now my ocean also rises washing
the endless series of red waves through my lungs
while silence swims across your sunburned hands
the same silence that slumbers in the bread until you cut it ..
soon the moon fingers will look for planetary fallen fruit
not only on the mossy forest floor but among the army of grain in the field
stiff and lined up like Giacometti’s sculptures?

you lift a flat rock .. a miniature space ship
feel the wind sitting there dangling its legs in ancient trees
the same wind that with curiosity peeks up your skirt ..
here I will plant a wild flower in each of your pores
while we cling to each other like in a movie by Fellini ..
here as stowaways on board the speck of dust called Earth
where you wonder what it is that drives this carefree machinery
which once again slowly turns on the light from above in the large dark ballroom
not only making your eyes sparkle but also feel the dizziness
which accompanies our goals all the way to the top of the silver-plated sky ladder
where I can hear the stars and your hand singing

AuthorTriztan Vindtorn
2018-08-21T17:22:58+00:00 April 29th, 2009|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 65|0 Comments