Grimaces of Language

/, Blesok no. 65/Grimaces of Language

Grimaces of Language

Blue Pictures on a Green Easel
Thoughts in a Moon Catamaran
Larger Than Everything
Behind the Mask
From the Top of the Moment
Back Across the Opposite Pole
Linguistic Search Party
We Count the Year Rings of the Body
Grimaces of Language

when the storm has subsided
behind your temples
a mirror-ship heads out of the inner haze
its sails filled with words
and sentence parts from our own time
as thick as anchor chains ..

some expressions may keep
the rust in check
through several centuries
before they let go of the water
and sink ..
only the outlines of your thoughts
still remain on the mirror of writing
and are carried away by the heaving waves

AuthorTriztan Vindtorn
2018-08-21T17:22:58+00:00 April 29th, 2009|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 65|0 Comments