You’ll shrivel, you’ll be an exotic fruit

/, Blesok no. 30/You’ll shrivel, you’ll be an exotic fruit

You’ll shrivel, you’ll be an exotic fruit

You’ve sung beautifully and yet you heaven’t changed your life
You"ll shrivel, you"ll be an exotic fruit
The Antipa Museum
“Enemy of the People” – lover of the country

I don’t have to forget you
Because as soon as I fall asleep you cease to
Exist for me
You don’t have to move or moan
Or to hum with the entire wisp of your cells
Because as soon as I begin to fall asleep
You don’t even exist for me

Go back to your good queue for tomatoes
Be dignified merry with your friends distinguished
Within the society
Behave as if
You didn’t know that since tomorrow
Only the earthquake would rise your skirt
And only the ground thrown away with the shovel
Will give you back a part of what you lost
Be reasonable
Your hands are so beautiful that they have no beginning
And nor will they ever begin
The lips you’ve got will remain unknown to the bull-dozer man
Your thoughts unheard by the carpenter
And the grave digger will never find out about your breasts
Who will renew your linen who will wash you
Who will push the coin in your mouth
Who will squeeze you in to my pockets
Where is your soul
Where is your perspiration
It has steam up the window in front of the Scala supermarket
And I’ll send a mad with his finger
Until you no longer annoy the window

You have annoyed me
You’re only the Liliputian vegetation of my imagination
A lattice behind which my giraffes are stareing at you as if
You were a giraffe
You’ve put on a dress you’ve used some whipp
Cream cake an some flesh as a make-up
But as soon as I fall asleep
You no longer exist for me.
You’re just a gesture someone has made to me
Some who has drunk with me for a lifetime
You’re just a thought of my socks filled with my feet
As un unemployed’s chest filled with worker’s songs.

AuthorDaniel Banulescu
2018-08-21T17:23:33+00:00 January 1st, 2003|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 30|0 Comments