Personal Gifts

/, Blesok no. 20/Personal Gifts

Personal Gifts

Personal Gifts
White Widows
Collected Unconscious
The Celestial Reader
We Have the Right to Be Crazy…

Translated by: Zoran Ančevski

(Everything I give this poem)

I give this poem my two hands
that have forgotten to write in living languages.
I present it with the blue city
that moves on a dreadful thought.
Its exile, however, is limited
to a small bottom between two hills.
I give it my narrow room.
I have given up, anyway.
I give this poem the zebra
that lies on my neighbour’s balcony.
I also give it a grandmother
that shoots at the Moon with blanks.
I give it the one who blew the conch
and is now asleep in my tub.
I give this poem
a character from a play
who repeats incessantly:
Everything will be fine as it’s been so far!
I give this poem more senses
than the passers-by have –
that way it cannot escape from the truth.

AuthorNataša Bunteska
2018-08-21T17:23:45+00:00 April 1st, 2001|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 20|0 Comments