I Came from Another World

/, Blesok no. 09/I Came from Another World

I Came from Another World

Magical Theatre
I Can"t
A Cell
A Drawing
I Dressed in White
I Came from Another World
I Was Three Years Old

It’s raining
I’m lying down with a frozen look
at the ceiling

The teapot gives signs that it’s burning
Chess pieces are falling down
under the bed
I’ve received an E-mail offer
The oven is killing one more bird
My neighbour came to make love
her husband to play a game of chess

But I can’t
I really can’t

It’s raining
and my mother is screaming
how I could’ve taken
the bad outside.

Translated by: Biljana Kosturanova

AuthorNikola Madžirov
2018-08-21T17:23:58+00:00 June 1st, 1999|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 09|0 Comments