The ships of possible love
Come behind the back of sea-line –
First one will touch the shore
The one who from his heart would throw out
Gathered caresses and hopes,
Wheat – in the salt waters,
And the thick silks – by the waves.
Bare, tormented, unarmed,
With the right to say: “I have
stones, and shadows, and the rain,
Springs, as sweet as kisses,
And the soil of wich the men are made.”
Golden Angels
The Ships of Possible Love…
It’s So Easy to Love a Stranger…
The Lies Soak Up…
Golden Angels…
She Is So Reticent…
Cuckoo Clock
It Is True…
It’s So Easy to Love a Stranger…
The Lies Soak Up…
Golden Angels…
She Is So Reticent…
Cuckoo Clock
It Is True…
AuthorMarija Doneva