The state of the American collective psyche expressed through films and series with parallel universes

/, Literature, Blesok no. 122/The state of the American collective psyche expressed through films and series with parallel universes

The state of the American collective psyche expressed through films and series with parallel universes

Deciphering the symptoms
Science and parallel universes
Creation of parallel universes in American society
No matter how much we get to know ourselves, we still only know ourselves in the same universe
Melanie Klein
Joyce Byers = Melanie Klein

There are a number of books and movie scenarios which depict the struggle with the evil inside ourselves, for example, The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr Hyde by Robert Louis Stevenson, or where the evil is a force in others like in the George Lucas trilogy, Star Wars, which actually floats on the Jungian message of the existence of a shadow in each of us, the shadow that we are “organically” connected with, which we can defeat if we only perceive its power and destructive ability. Then again, this struggle takes place in the same universe

One of the most obvious examples can be seen in the series Star Trek – the Next Generation and the Ferengi alien race that are given the worst character traits one person can have. The Ferenges lie, conspire, cause conflicts, show enormous love for money, and try to acquire as much material wealth as possible in an insidious manner. The other characters from the series are forced to cooperate and coexist with the Ferenges, so the viewer gets a lesson on how to understand and live with “those others” who have the characteristics that we would be ashamed of. Nonetheless, as in the previous examples, all this takes place in the same universe.

Peterson and Murakami give helpful advice, but in America things may have gone too far. No matter how the American people try to realize and understand their shadow, however much they try to go deeper, they only do so in the same universe. In this way, the difference in the Symbolic Level between the two universes is ignored, and no serious consideration is given to the notion that from the moment when the transition from one to another universe occurs, the subject loses the Name of the Father, and thus transforms into a psychotic structure and takes on the appearance of psychotic symptoms.

Melanie Klein

As I have already mentioned, Lacan’s work is greatly influenced by Melanie Klein, who mostly dealt with the psychoanalysis of childhood. Similarities can be seen through one of Klein’s cases.

If Wolfman is one of Freud’s most famous patients, then for Melanie Klein, this is the case of 10-year-old Richard. Richard had a habit of being negative toward his parents, being absent, but also showed periodic anxiety. (Kristeva, 2001, pp. 104 – 111.) He displayed signs of autism. Various authors (Visconti, Kristeva, Lacan) differently interpret the diagnosis, but in one thing they all agree— – the ingenious way that Klein, through games and playing with the boy, managed to provide him with normal psychological development.

Klein laboriously worked on this case, through as many as 96 sessions, trying to find the reasons for the problem. She concluded that Richard was not given enough attention from his parents, and that his nanny, even though she had a great relationship with him, punished him by making him sit in a closed dark room after she caught him masturbating. So, Richard was left with no love or attention from any adult.

AuthorBoris Taskov
2018-11-29T14:42:14+00:00 November 29th, 2018|Categories: Essays, Literature, Blesok no. 122|Comments Off on The state of the American collective psyche expressed through films and series with parallel universes