Ecstasy and Conspiracy

/, Blesok no. 04, Literature/Ecstasy and Conspiracy

Ecstasy and Conspiracy

Namely, a big part of the philosophy, science, art, and politics are basically derived out from the conviction that the world is a big enigma, which can be solved, and that there is a way to solve it. Clearly formulated that means that all branches of the theory, and the biggest part of the mankind’s practical projects are outlined on the postulate that the world is an entirety; this entirety is hidden; that its discovery is possible. Totally precise, although shocking for a relaxed, weak, dependent mind, that means that the biggest and most important opus of the theory and practice of mankind is derived from the postulate for the existence of universal conspiracy. Commented with disdain and denied without a comment, the conception of anthology, biological, sociological and political conspiracy is unavoidable condition to comprehend the most main results of social and idea’s history. In this structure only, a way can be opened to comprehend authentically the central inspiration of Carlos Castaneda. There are different choices to find the most suitable way to riddle the world. The way to discover the greatest conspiracy for Castaneda and for a narrow circle of his traveling companions, is the way of ecstasy.
First, we will show that the key inspiration of the philosophical, scientific and political acting is based on the implicit, but everywhere present premise of the Great Conspiracy existence.
From the very first beginning, the philosophy is searching for the hidden. The total anthology as a search for the foundation, for the unknown, but presumed arhe is a try to penetrate in the other side of the sense, in the invisible origin foundation of the world. The European tradition, with its Balkan and Asia minor’s sources of the Thales, Anaximenes, Anaximander, all the way to Heraclitus, Democritus, Pythagoras, Plato, Aristotle… in this point of view are not much different than Hinduism, Buddhist, or ancient Chinese philosophy. Their common denominator is in the intuitive certainty that the essence of the world is hidden for us, but its revealing is possible. The source of the deceive is located in our senses, no matter if it is expressing as an illusion of stability (Heraclitus) or vice versa as an illusion of movement (Parmenides, Hellenic) or as a direct perceptive deceive of the shadow and the substance (allegory of the cave at Platoon’s) that is as the veil of Maya (in the Buddhism) or in the truth of the emptiness, in other words the road (Tao). The enumeration is excessive. It is enough just to underline that in all of these levels of illustration with an unambiguous power varies the same argument. To trust in a world without secrets, like the one that we frankly see, means to mix the map and the territory. All that we know is just an instruction, a road sign – a map – who can point the way of that real, frontier less territory for the smartest and the most persistent.
In the exact science, no matter if we are talking about physics or about biology, geology or astronomy, the general principle is searched for, the one that will explain everything after demonstrating them as elements one unique entirety. That is a fundamental explicatory function of the scientific laws. Through all self-development the physics searches for the one which the contemporary physicians recognize as a Unified Field Theories. Apparently, it is about one intuitive planted and logically unhesitating believe that behind all world’s manifestations, extends a field of a universal uniting principle as theirs general foundation and base of the universe. In interaction with these exact researches is constituted an endless corps of researches in the area of humanities. If the names of Bohr, Calvin, Newton, Einstein, Schredinger, Heisenberg, Bohm, Pregogin, Maxwell stand on one side and the authority of Jung, Lawrence, Koestler, Dickens, Wells, James represent the other, with not less authority but with the same conception. The synchronization concept like a frame that unifies theory, includes the names and the theories of practically whole philosophy of Da Vinci, Kepller, of Tibetan scripts, of Tao Te Kin, of Indians legend, especially Hopi, Navajo, Nascapi, all of the with identical obsessive central object: to find through the jungles of this chaotic and endless world, the bridge that unifies and connects into undivided amalgam the substance and the idea! The thermodynamics laws or the results of the quantum mechanics, the results of the sub molecular physics, the evolution theory, the heavenly Kant-Laplace theories, the Big Bang theory of Albert Einstein or the latest suggestions of Steven Hocking – all of them are conceptions that in the empirical material find a map to reach to the real territory with.
A totally identical logic is a foundation to the humanities, sociology, anthropology, and politicology as well as in the social and political practice of mankind everywhere and every time. Manitou, in the north-American tribes, in the concept of justice in democracy, philological pendant and conceptual synonym, regardless of the big difference in the complex of the performance. According to this, a clear illustration is the political practice. With no exception it is based on a theory of action which unavoidable presumes a consistent model of the world. The notorious abused definition of politics as a skill of possible (with a remark that is to wide and in the same time it is tautological – “skill of impossible” – contradictio in adjecto) proofs that the political practice develops as an intervention in one reality model and its adoption, change and remodeling.
This goes into two issues:
1. That a sensible entirety exists; 2. That it is hidden. That is a concept of the Conspiracy in its classical form. Everyone knows that diplomacy exists and on top of it figures the “secret diplomacy”! That “Centers for strategy researches” exists, that every politics in internal or international domain builds short termed or long termed plans! That the archives of each political institution are loaded with official documents, photographs, microfilms, ‘Top secret” files! However, there is non-professional politician, social scientist or average educated citizen who won’t follow that inertia where object of top laugh is just the mentioning of some theory of the conspiracy! The totality of their counter arguments is based on the counter question: “Who are they that have organized the conspiracy!?”
Of course, no one can give a straight answer to this question, pointing at this or that organization or individual.

2018-08-21T17:24:03+00:00 August 1st, 1998|Categories: Essays, Blesok no. 04, Literature|0 Comments