7. The Last Campaign
You start for Elysium
as though to a healing spa.
With every new triumph
you’re three steps ahead,
every defeat, a step behind.
At first, dancing with heavy tread,
you’re like an old bear
kept from temptation by a chain,
but then, twirling like a dervish,
‘an unmoved mover’,
you spin on the point
where all the roads converge –
perfection of gravity and grace,
balance of zero and one.
You become an assassin of sin –
your targets: Achilles, Hector,
Daedalus, Icarus, Prometheus,
whose moving trail you sniff
with untainted love.
And so the struggle
with the moon’s dark side goes on,
with or without reinforcements.
The bright side you keep
like an unblemished memory
of the campaign.