#3 Jesus Volt is one of the latest music discoveries from France. The band started seven years ago with more than 500 concerts in the meantime (France, Germany, Holland, Belgium, Spain and Australia), selling plenty of their recorded material. Consisting of four strong music personalities: Lord Tracy (vocal and harp), Mr. Tao (guitar), Lenine McDonald (bass) and Magic Doudous (drums), this band is a mature group of talented people who surprise fans with every new song. Music of Jesus Volt is a contemporary crossbreed of electronic sound, with a foundation richly based on blues of the 4o’s and 50’s, funk of the 70’s, passing through the era of rock & roll of the previous century, while keeping their ears open wide to the new sounds of the 21st century. Their latest album “In Stereo” (Dixiefrog DFGCD 8605) was recorded in July 2005 under artistic direction of Tony Cohen, Australian producer of Nick Cave, Sacred Cowboys and Michael Hutchence. Band’s original material is strong all the way and shows a band that follow their ideas and perception of music, while few guest musicians add flavour to the sound of Jesus Volt. With bands like this one, once again it is confirmed that rock & roll is not only here to stay, but is ready to cross into the frontier of tomorrow.