Their conversations

/, Literature, Blesok no. 99/Their conversations

Their conversations


Maya: Robs, dude, u there? Please be there, please be there.
You: Hey, I’m here, working on something, going to see Kiko later, he has something to tell me.
You: 😀
Maya: Gosh, I have something to tell u 2, u got time/
Maya: ?
You: was he with u yesterday?
You: Go on, I’ll go get sth to eat and I’ll read.
Maya: K.
Maya: dude, gotta tell ya something, but u can’t spread it around!
Maya: kiko wasn’t with us.
You: say it.
Maya: remember when comic broke his hand, two years ago?
You: yup
Maya: well shortly before that, i cheated on him.
You: dude why r u telling me this, what the fuck’s wrong with u? why u enjoy putting ppl in this position?
Maya: C’mon Rob, thought we were friends?
You: u know perfectly well that Ivan, Kiko and Sonja r my friends. If I tell one the other one will know, and how long do u think it would take for Comic to find out? I’ve never held anything from them.
Maya: God, fine, forget it.
You: Can’t forget it, but it’s cool.
Maya: look I thought I could tell u. sorry.
You: u’ve already started, finish it. Who with? Someone I know?
Maya: screw it, I can’t.
You: go fuck urself, tell me, don’t piss me off.
Maya: i can’t.
You: Maya pls don’t piss me off! Finish the story, be back in five!
Maya: Look, something happened yesterday but now that u’ve mentioned ur friendship with ivan I don’t know if I should tell u…i kinda thought I was ur friend too.
Maya: message deleted.
Maya: message deleted.
Maya: btw u should’ve come, the party rocked, we got so shitfaced.
Maya: forget it, we’ll talk some other time.
You: since when r u my friend for fuck’s sake? U think I didn’t know what u’ve been doing to Comic since ever? U think I don’t know there’s sth btwn u and Gorjan? U think we r all idiots? U think I don’t know Sonja’s regretting inviting u to hang out with us a couple of years ago? U think I don’t know all ur trashtalk? What do u think? U think I have to keep my mouth shut like everyone else? Get off my back. U have sth to tell me, please. Or else bye.
Maya: Wow Rob, where did this come from?
You: Maya please, don’t act the victim here, if the next thing u say isn’t the story u were going to tell me, don’t bother talking.
Maya: K. I won’t.
You: Didn’t expect any better, friend. G’bye.
Maya: u wanna know?
You: don’t give a fuck, I know what kindda person u r, nothing can surprise me. Maybe it’ll be easier on ur conscience, though it won’t change what I think of u.
Maya: wow, i honestly didn’t expect this…
You: what did u expect? To not know of all ur bullshit? To turn a blind eye to the schemes u been pulling since u appeared?
Maya: no. i didn’t expect this from u. i really like u, since always. I’ve never said a bad word, ask Comic…
You: who cares…the problem is u’ve no idea what friendship is and that’s a fact.
Maya: K, I’ll tell u.
You: u don’t have to.
Maya: but I want to, that’s why I wrote to u.
You: As u wish.
Maya: I want to tell u.
You: Fine then, tell me.
Maya: but do u wanna know?
You: whatever.
Maya: i’ll tell u.
Maya: it’s true.
You: Excuse me?
Maya: what u’r thinking, it’s true.
You: what am I thinking?
Maya: that of me and gorjan.
You: Maya, quit speaking in codes, spill it.
Maya: about me and gorjan, that I cheated on Comic with Gorjan.
You: Pffff, of course u did, I just didn’t want to tell Ivan I had doubts, I didn’t want to hurt him more, he has enough with all that bullshit he’s going through with Gorjan.
Maya: sorry…
You: Sorry what? Don’t sorry me, make sure Ivan doesn’t find out…I don’t get it, how could u be such jerks…u have no idea how much I want to go and tell Comic myself…but don’t worry, I won’t. How can u put me in this position! How can I hide something like this from Ivan?
Maya: that’s what I wanted to tell u…they may already know…i think ivan knows…
You: What the fuck r u talking about???
Maya: …
You: I’m going to kill you.
Maya: i think he knows…
You: what do u mean, he knows?
Maya: I mean, judging by ivan’s behavior.
You: What ivan’s behavior?
Maya: i’was going to the bathroom yesterday and ivan follows me and says to me: hey babe did i tell you that gorjan’s friend, that kiki they’r hanging out since kids, she’s working with me. such a cool girl. so he says: i hear u have a crush on her cousin. and there’s no one the girl could find out from except gorjan, cuz i told him when it happened the thing that happened between us. i know gorjan wouldn’t tell him, cuz we promised each other we’d never tell anyone…and there’s no way he could tell something selectively, since that thing happened me and him haven’t talked to each other when the gang’s there, we always avoid being left alone and we give short answers to each other’s questions. I bet gorjan told her and the girl spilled the beans. plus after that i pretended to accidentally ask gorjan if he has seen his friend recently, like “her and ivan are colleagues now, huh?” but he had no clue, so there’s no way he could’ve said something.
You: Karma…
Maya: what?
You: Karma! You r messing with ppl ur entire life, now some bimbo messed urs up. I don’t know what to tell u.
Maya: forget it, sorry i mentioned it in the first place.
You: brb
You: I’m back
You: Maya…not one person from the gang doubted something had happened between u and gorjan…except maybe Comic. It’s beyond me how he can’t see who’s he dating…u have a problem with him, don’t come taking to me…
Maya: fine, u don’t have to be so mean.
You: Mean??? I’m not being mean Maya, I’m being nice. I shouldn’t even be talking to you, but whatever.
You: if i was evil i’d of told you to go to hell a long time ago. I’ve never been more wrong about anyone’s character…that is, I wasn’t wrong, Sonja was, but I trusted her with all my heart.
Maya: Alright Robin, get it, I won’t talk to u anymore. bye
You: About time.

AuthorFrosina Stojkovska
2018-08-21T17:22:36+00:00 November 9th, 2014|Categories: Prose, Literature, Blesok no. 99|0 Comments