Translated by the author, edited by Elizabeta Bakovska
I want a new ass and new tits a new brain new me
while I am planning the perfect suicide
while I am installing theatrically the stage of my future funeral
just to imagine hipper realistically the faces of everybody around mourning me
everybody around determining what a genius poet I used to be
all around actually crying over their own cowardliness
taking a box of pink pills
I want a new ass and new tits a new brain new me
while I am postponing the night for my perfect suicide
while I am imagining theatrically my posthumous glory
just to meet my favorite patient accidentally
who will find out in the next twenty four hours how realistically he used to love me
and he will never try to satisfy another woman
I want a new ass and new tits a new brain new me
while I am having a makeover done by the professionalism
of a make-up stylist
while I am skillfully hiding
the imperfectness of my present body
just to over-drink vodka for the last time
with some accidental patient
who will read the next morning what a genius poet I used to be
and will start thinking realistically about the missed opportunity
for being my last