Dancing in Odessa – Ilya Kaminski

/, Literature, Blesok Editions, Blesok no. 142/Dancing in Odessa – Ilya Kaminski

Dancing in Odessa – Ilya Kaminski

Author’s Prayer
Dancing In Odessa
In Praise of Laughter


What is memory? what makes a body glow:
an apple orchard in Moldova and the school is bombed

when the schools are bombed, sadness is forbidden
– I write this now and I feel my body’s weight:

the screaming girls, 347 voices
in the story of a doctor saving them, his hands

trapped under a wall, his granddaughter dying nearby –
she whispers I don’t want to die, I have eaten such apples,

he watches her mouth as a blind man reading lips
and yells: Shut up! I am near the window, I

am asking for help! speaking,
he cannot stop speaking, in the dark:

of Brahms, Chopin he speaks to them to calm them.
A doctor, yes, whatever window

framed his life, outside: tomatoes grew, clouds passed and we
once lived; a doctor with a tattoo of a parrot on his trapped arm,

seeing his granddaughter’s cheekbones
no longer her cheekbones, with surgical precision

stitches suffering and grace:
two days pass, he shouts

The evenings are my evidence, this evening
in which she dips her hands up to her elbows,
the evening is asleep inside her shoulder – her shoulder
rounded by sleep.

AuthorIlya Kaminsky
2022-04-04T05:23:15+00:00 March 30th, 2022|Categories: Poetry, Literature, Blesok Editions, Blesok no. 142|Comments Off on Dancing in Odessa – Ilya Kaminski