/, Literature, Blesok no. 107/HE IS THE ONE TO CHERISH, SWEETIE



Facebook poetry, as an expression of popular culture made available by a mass medium could have been a “dynamic, revolutionary force, breaking down the old barriers of class, tradition, taste and dissolving all cultural distinctions” (Macdonald, 1998: 25). Popular culture in general might also be “an ideal site for locating sympathies and connections to women and women’s studies, since women are often disenfranchised and rarely canonized. But since popular culture reflects the standards, beliefs and practices of an entire society, discrimination against and negative attitude about women… surface in it as often as in elite-origin cultural forms” (Magoulick, 2006). Therefore, despite its initial shock for the often drowsy and colorless scene of Macedonian poetry production, it appears to have missed the momentum to become a true alternative cultural force, one that would break the limitations set by academia, but also the patriarchal social fabric lined with misogyny which was often reflected in cultural production. IT has been said that “popular culture is a battlefield for and against cultural power and in this battle there is an investment that can be lost or doubled” (Атанасова, 2012: 148). This investment in the case of Facebook poetry has mostly been lost, as it has become a populist force that has relentlessly attempted to reaffirm itself from the position of power.


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Braidotti, R. 19 Nomadic Subjects: Embodiment and Sexual Difference in Contemporary Feminist Theory. New York: Columbia University Press.
Gawelti, J. G. 20 With the Benefit of Hindsight: Popular Culture Criticism. In: Hinds, H. E. Jr et al, ed. Popular Culture Theory and Methodology: A Basic Introduction. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 266-2
Gilbert, S. M. and Gubar S. 20 The Madwoman in the Attic: The Woman Writer and the Nineteenth-Century Literary Imagination. In: Eagleton, M. ed. Feminist Literary Theory: A Reader. Second Edition. Oxford: Blackwell Publishing. 91-
Hinds, H. E. 20 Popularity: The Sine Qua Non of Popular Culture. In: Hinds, H. E. Jr et al, ed. Popular Culture Theory and Methodology: A Basic Introduction. Madison: The University of Wisconsin Press. pp. 359-3
Illouz, E. 20 Why Love Hurts. Cambridge: Polity Press.
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Macdonald, D. 19 A Theory of Mass Culture. In: Storey, J. ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader. Second Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education. pp. 22-
Magoulick, M. 20 Women in Popular Culture (entry for Encyclopaedia of Women’s Folklore and Folklife).. Georgia College and State University. http://www.faculty.de.gcsu.edu/~mmagouli/popculute.htm (accessed on 29 Julu 2014).
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Rakow, L. F. 19 Feminist Approaches to Popular Culture: Giving Patriarchy Its Due. In: Storey, J. ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader. Second Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education. pp. 275-2
Schudsom, M. 19 The New Validation of Popular Culture: Sense and Sentimentality in Academia. In: Storey, J. ed. Cultural Theory and Popular Culture: A Reader. Second Edition. Harlow: Pearson Education. pp. 495-5
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8. Or, as Gilbert and Gubar famously worded it: “Male sexuality, in other words, is not just analogically but actually the essence of literary power. The poet’s pen is in some sense (even more than figuratively) a penis” (Gilbert and Gubar, 2004: 92).
9. Or, as Eva Illouz wrote, “The most arresting claim made by feminists is that a struggle for power lies at the core of love and sexuality, and that men have had and continue to have the upper hand in that struggle… Such sexual male power consists in the capacity to define the objects of love and to set up the rules that govern courtship and the expression of romantic sentiments” (Illouz, 2012: 5).
10. These verses are part of a poem entitled “You Still Think that You Are a Princess and that You Deserve a Prince…”
11. As a Skopje graffiti (another form of popular art) states: Leshoski, I want to be your inspiration.
12. „Првите поетеси биле Јованка Орлеанка на своето време“. Нова Македонија, no 23108, 22.2.2014. (http://www.novamakedonija.com.mk/NewsDetal.asp?vest=21914839208&id=26&setIzdanie=23108).
13. Or, in other words, to follow what Rosi Braidotti called an inherited “tradition of female silence” (Braidotti, 1994: 75).

2018-12-17T12:52:54+00:00 May 31st, 2016|Categories: Essays, Literature, Blesok no. 107|0 Comments