Project Description
Pino Pograjc, born in 1997 in Slovenia, is currently in his last year of dual-subject MA studies of English and Comparative Literature at the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana. He grew up in Kamnik, where (as a teenager) he first read his poems in front of an audience at the local slam poetry competition and went on to win a couple of times. In 2022, the newly-formed, alternative publishing house Črna skrinjica (“Black Box”) published his literary debut, Trgetanje (a portmanteau of “trganje” and “drgetanje” – “ripping” and “shivering” in Slovene), which received the award for Best Literary Debut at the 38th Slovenian Book Fair. In 2022 he also became part of the selection jury for the Ljubljana LGBT Film Festival, the oldest film festival of its sort in Europe. In 2023, he joined the international poetry project POT-VOT (Poets of Today – Voices of Tomorrow), which aims to introduce contemporary poetry to secondary school students. In the same year, he also became a co-organiser of the Ignor and Rainbow Rhymes literary events.