Bill Callahan

Bill Callahan


Callahan loves boxing. When asked what he would do if he were not a musician, without much thinking he answered: I think I would be a boxing journalist, traveling different places and writing for a newspaper. His first book is a novel written if form of letters of a boxing fan. ‘Letters to Emma Bowlcut’ was published in 2010.
Bill got interested in boxing because of a friend who wronged him and needed to be knocked out of his socks and thought a lesson. So he started training. Everything for a perfect knock down. Fortunately, it turned out that his friend’s bad deed was just a misunderstanding but love of boxing stayed with him.
I have a punching bag in the garage. Sometimes it takes on the likeness of nice people who somehow got their names in the black book of debts. Or sometimes I simply miss them. At those times I’m unkind to the bag. Red gloves burst at the seams. And I see a friend, in the car, turning the radio ( off, muttering something like: “What is this shit?” even though he can feel in his bones how good it was. On the other hand, he’s right, it’s time for ‘Sing Another Song, Boys’ ( , foot on the gas, burning miles and minutes. Time for the wall in front of us. I would not have felt sorry if we had ended it all at that time. It was a perfect moment. I never talk about any of this with hem, why am I telling it to you… there is no way to send certain memories into oblivion. There is no such confession, just like there is no perfect poem to capture those moments.
Eid Ma Clack Shaw:

2018-08-21T17:22:36+00:00 November 9th, 2014|Categories: Reviews, Sound, Blesok no. 99|0 Comments