Erased Spaces

/, Blesok no. 76/Erased Spaces

Erased Spaces

Each Morning
Forest Strawberries
Loss of Freedom
In Need of a Home
Between Two Evils
Forgotten: The Poetics of Remembrance
Understanding and Faith

It seems to you as if you understand
History’s blind spots
The dark periods which suffer
From a lack of material
And testimony.

As if you can feel
The coming of the warm breeze
From behind the border
Regions of the reasonable
Where judgment flows into

You leave.
Before light appears
You can feel it
And sense
A kind of irresistible
Un-humanlike warmth
Moving into the world
Which you still
Call your

Afterwards the light itself
Opens your

You have this premonition:
The world can change
In just a few

Close your eyes.

2018-08-21T17:22:52+00:00 March 1st, 2011|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 76|0 Comments