If one makes the effort to google something about a strange and unusual name like Kasiopeja in Cyrillic, information will appear of a distant and brilliant constellation that adorns the sky firmament, and about a brilliant artist of ours with that name, whose paintings adorn the walls of exhibitions, galleries and private homes of collectors and lovers of fine art.
And one will say, look, it’s a coincidence, and I will say that coincidences do not exist. And I will add that even the ancient Romans knew that when said, Nomen est omen (The name is a sign).
In all that coincidence, we will find similarities and differences.
In what we will read about the constellation, we will learn that it consists of five bright stars that look like a stretched W somewhere high in the sky. And about our Kasiopeja, we will learn that she is a painter who stands firmly on the ground but knows how to stretch many W-like lines on canvases, to combine them and leave us breathless of what will then appear before our eyes as a painting.
That first Kasiopeja was the mother of Aphrodite and boasted that she and her daughter were the most beautiful. Because of her arrogance and excessive boasting, she was tied to her chair and condemned to circle the North Pole with her head down. Our Kasiopeja does not brag about her beauty, but she is also tied to a chair, not because of arrogance, but because of her love of art, and she circles around her easel with her head raised at the height of the work she is creating.
The brightest star of this constellation is Alpha Cassiopeia (Schedar). Due to its size, this star has an orange glow, just like the many painting of our Kasiopeja have.
The second brightest star is Beta Cassiopeia or Caph. It has a whitish-yellow color, characteristic of those parts of Kasi’s paintings, which for some people seems as if the author lost patience to provide any color, but for those who know her as an author, it is a space where she said so much with so little color.
The third Gamma Cassiopeia or Tsih has a B0 spectrum. This means that this star is whitish blue. And so, look at the paintings and you will inevitably meet this shade when the brush escapes from the basic contours coated with the dark blue color that is impossible not to be found in Kasiopeja’s works.
For the other two stars, I did not find any information about what color they radiate, but I am convinced that I found those colors somewhere among the playful abstract-realistic forms in Kasi’s drawings and paintings.
It also says that there are nebulae in the constellation Cassiopeia, i.e. star clusters.
I will write that we are honored to be contemporaries of Kasiopeja, who is undoubtedly a part of that stellar cluster of beautiful, talented, and creative painters that Macedonia has brought.
And before I wish Kasiopeja many more years of fruitful work with many emptied paint tubes and worn-out brushes and putty knives, and afterward left amazed faces of her audience, I would like to share here our conversation about me writing this text. Brief and honest from both sides.
– Buddy, will you be able to write a word or two about the exhibition?
– But of course. I have eyes to see what you draw; I have words to say what I see.
PS Kasi, this is my “thank you” for Toshiro Mifune.
Father Pimen