Željana Vukanac

//Željana Vukanac
Željana Vukanac 2019-08-05T11:56:48+00:00

Project Description

Željana Vukanac, born in 1990. in Zadar. Lived in Žegar, Obrvac, Obilic and Belgrade where she completed the Fifth Belgrade High School, graduated and post-graduated Serbian literature studies at the Faculty of Philology at Belgrade University. Participated in conferences, projects, and workshops in creative writing. Published on blogs, web sites, and anthologies. Author of two poetry books: “Spaces” (first prize at the literary contest “Mak Dizdar” in Stolac, 2018) and “Give the wave the name of wave”. Now lives in Cologne and visits the master-program “The Cultural and Intelectual History Between the East and the West”.

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