Project Description
Slavko Janevski Foundation
“Slavko Janevski” foundation for promotion and advancement of cultural values was established in November 2017 by a group of journalists and editors of the former “Utrinski vesnik” in order to keep the tradition of granting “Novel of the Year” award, which used to be given by the now closed “Utrinski vesnik”. Its goal was to keep the high standard and format of the award, and to raise the awareness about the awarded novel at a higher level. In this respect, there have been promotions of the awarded novel organized in a number of Macedonian cities, and we will continue to promote it further.
At the very beginnings of the foundation, in an informal conversation with Jana Janevska Terzioska, the daughter of Slavko Janevski, the founders decided to take the name of this bard of Macedonian culture, taking in this way upon themselves a weight and responsibility in its work. In this respect, the foundation, apart from granting the “Novel of the Year” award also set for itself a number of projects which will reaffirm Janevski’s work and oeuvre, and there will be focus on educating the young in the area of art and culture, and of course, promotion of everything that is considered am exceptional cultural value.