Mira Keratová

/Mira Keratová
Mira Keratová 2018-08-21T17:16:34+00:00

Project Description

Mira Keratová (1977) – curator, art theorist and contemporary art critic. Some of her more recent curatorial projects include: Fantázie o začiatku or Fantasies of the Beginning, Bratislava – Petržalka, 2008-9; Pracovná pamäť, Tranzit or Working Memory, Transit, Bratislava, 2009 (with L. Gavulová ), Romantika mojej mladosti, budúcnosť mojej nostalgie or The Romance of My Youth, the Future of My Nostalgia, Stredoslovenská galéria, Banská Bystrica, 2010, and others.

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