Venko Andonovski

/Venko Andonovski
Venko Andonovski 2018-08-21T17:17:11+00:00

Project Description

short story writer, novelist, playwright, poet, essayist, literary critic and theoretitian. Born in Kumanovo, 30th May 1964. Graduated from the Faculty of Philology in Skopje. Ph.D in Philology. Professor at the Faculty of Philology “Blaze Koneski” in Skopje. Member of the Macedonian P.E.N. centre. Member of the Macedonian Writers’ Association since 1990.
He is the author of the following books: The barbarian’s tender heart (poetry 1986), The Lyric poets’ Quarter (Short stories, 1989), Frescoes and Grotesques (short stories 1993), Alphabet of the disobedient (novel, 1993), Text Processes (essays, 1996) Matosh’s Bells (study, 1996), Structure of the Macedonian realistic novel (study , 1997), Three plays – Slavic chest , Mutiny in the old people’s home, Hades Machine (1998), Decodings (2000), Navel of the World 2001.
Awards include: ”Racinovo priznanie”, first prize for best novel by the publishing house “Zumpres”, an award for best drama text at the “Vojdan Cernodrinski” festival in Prilep, an award “Novel of the Year”, and “Balkanika”.

Venko Andonovski was editor of Blesok Prose

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