There’s no life on Mars

/, Theatre/Film, Blesok no. 145 - 146/There’s no life on Mars

There’s no life on Mars

He: Aha?

She: Lend me the stapler.

He: Here you go.

She: Thanks, I have mine.

He: Then, why are you asking?!

She: Never mind, never mind. (she laughs)

He: Aha! Well, I couldn’t find it before. But, here, take mine. Do you want it?

She: Thanks. Consider it just as you gave it to me.


He: But I didn’t give it to her, and I would love to, oh how much I love to.


She: Excuse me?

He: Nothing, it’s nothing.

She: Listen; tell me, did you understand that document yesterday?

He: Which one?

She: That one, the one from the meeting yesterday.

He: I did.

She: Come on, explain something to me.

He: What?


She approaches him. Cool as ice. Petrified. Hoping he is not going to see her heart beating. But of course, that is not going to stop her to approach him closer. Much closer. Unnecessary closer.


She: Here, look here – on this page, it says one thing, and on the other something else.

He: Where?

She: Just here. Look, here it says this, and there it says something completely different.

He: Aha.

She: What do you mean ‘aha’?

He: But that’s not about the same thing.

She: Aha.

He: You see…


She: I see, I see you. And you, do you see me? He pulls back. Am I too close? Maybe I am sweated, and I stink. I better move away.

He: Why she’s moving away? Who knows, maybe my breath stinks.


He: Do you have a pack of gum?

She: No, sorry.

He: Okay. Hey, I’ll send you a reference by email, from which you can see everything.

She: Aha. Okay. Thanks.


She: How he kicked me off. It’s just to push me back. Damn it.

He: I have to buy gums.

She: I’m bored. And when I’m bored, I’m becoming horny. It starts here, somewhere on the back of the head, then gently travels along the spine, slowly progressing, and becomes unstoppable until it reaches the bottom. The source. And then, nothing else matters – just – is he looking at me? Does he look at me now? If I look and see that he is looking at me, that means I got him.

He is not looking at me.



Okay. I will count to 30. Then, if I turn around and see him watching me, it means I got him, but he pretends I didn’t get him.

He is not watching.



I will count to 60. Then, if he is NOT watching me…


He: Suddenly, it was as if the electricity went through her body. And her spine seemed to come alive; it became soft, serpent-like, and warm. Sometimes it seems to me that she turns into a snake.

AuthorUna Vizek
2022-08-31T20:26:18+00:00 August 29th, 2022|Categories: Play, Theatre/Film, Blesok no. 145 - 146|Comments Off on There’s no life on Mars