Virtual Park

/, Blesok no. 44/Virtual Park

Virtual Park

The Friend
Virtual Park
Too Painful is that for me
The Line is Law
Hard Decision
Happy Day
The Girl from the Bilboard
Have you ever asked yourself why?! Remaining time is 0.01 sec.

There were thoughts in my head
that remained unwritten forever.
As the first confession for example:
The brutal killing of hundreds ants.

I become weightless, almost incorporeal.
A hand on my shoulder and deep voice:
Come back, it’s too soon for you to go there.
Now the dream is one closing and opening
of the eyelashes. Dream without pictures.

The person was with psychological profile
of an idiot. He had timed the party at 1.00 minute.
I don’t believe that he had heard
of concrete opinion, abstract opinion,
or any opinion. Even less of creative thinking.

I sharply attacked him and his king
started to flee in panic round chessboard,
but I succeeded to drive him into corner in the
second before last. The chess pieces stood as frozen.
The king surrounded and helpless in the corner
of the board. Remaining time is 0.01 sec.

2018-08-21T17:23:19+00:00 September 1st, 2005|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 44|0 Comments