Virtual Park

/, Blesok no. 44/Virtual Park

Virtual Park

The Friend
Virtual Park
Too Painful is that for me
The Line is Law
Hard Decision
Happy Day
The Girl from the Bilboard
Have you ever asked yourself why?! Remaining time is 0.01 sec.

I met one Jehovah’s witness in the elevator and
we are already drinking coffee with his older
friend at the restaurant on the first floor of the
building. I was always interested in and respected
the people who devoted their lives to God.
One of them (more clever) immediately is trying
to force the authority topic.
The man we should follow.
Later I found out that he lost his father very early
and that his roots are in Bosnia somewhere.
“I am interested my problems to be solved”
– I disrupted him, the authority is made by
money, power, and your suits also.
They talk about spiritual need, a few
hanging phrases, hypothesis, rhetorical questions
apocalyptic visions in recent times
– how much one can control himself,
the need 24 hours to be in touch with God.
We are unfortunately not perfect – I conclude.
What are you doing for a living?! – I ask them.
– Donations, study and interpreting
the Bible – the cleverer answered
and puts the Bible on the table putting his glasses
with thin frames on it. Shortly I explain
how Orthodoxy works here. Liturgy,
fasting, the prayer, spiritual leadership.
Six billion people equally dear to God.
We stay late sincerely saying good – bye.
And then I stare long in the room’s ceiling thinking
of the time when I use to fall asleep immediately.

2018-08-21T17:23:19+00:00 September 1st, 2005|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 44|0 Comments