The Song of Songs

/, Blesok no. 13/The Song of Songs

The Song of Songs

The Song of Songs
Letter 1
Letter 2

It’s too bad when everything becomes a habit Rina
to talk and jot on the leaves with vertical lines
it’s bad when the kiss becomes a habit
when you don’t look at each other’s eyes
when you don’t hold hands
everything becomes a habit Rina
the dreams pass by and paint the canvas
I’ve forgotten people’s faces
their eyes
only their bones
have remained
in the dusty sketches of memory
my hair is thinning Rina
I’m not handsome anymore
my face is all skin and cheekbones
I’ve become like Pushkin
Dante kills my time
and I am born again
when I hear the word “accuse”
from the mouths of young Dreyfuses
you don’t like what’s common
and I’ve become so common
I remember you
reading books about revolutions
they happen every day my love
we killed ourselves in them
we betrayed our comrades for them
burned the books about them
we crushed our dreams
and now everything is dull
there’s our mistake Rina

AuthorTeuta Arifi
2018-08-21T17:23:55+00:00 March 1st, 2000|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 13|0 Comments