The Second Sin of the East

/, Blesok no. 09/The Second Sin of the East

The Second Sin of the East

The Second Sin of the East
A Paradigm of Rublyov
Self Portait
Virgil"s Usellesness
The Sheherezade Motif
Socialist Realism

In a dry abysmal cavern
high in the mountains
not long ago was found a skeleton of a man
who long ago, God knows when,
had been lured there by fearless curiosity
or led by panic before some lethal threat.
He found no way out.
In the monolith above him
there was a portrait of a middle-aged man
(certainly a work of his own hand)
in which his tribesmen could recognize him.
Nothing like tools
was discovered.
in a moment of cruel concentration,
he came to an idea, the only one remaining,
and discovered the need for eternity.
He portrayed himself in great permanence,
in a dreamy posture, no cramps on his face.

And peace also flowed through his bones.

AuthorPetar T. Boškovski
2018-08-21T17:23:57+00:00 June 1st, 1999|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 09|0 Comments