The Prayer

The Prayer

The Temptation
The Prayer
I Leave the Church with the Candle Lit

Extinguish it, oh, God!
Where can my foot sink but in the Darkness?
May I stay in the earth – a candle lit for the living.
May I never see where I extinguish.
Here is the big candle, God, bless it!
Let it shine where it belongs, though extinguished!
I leave the church with my fingers burning…
God, don’t let them burn out!

Lines with candles from me, as from a big candle
lit at the altar. They take the fire.
Wax drops drip from the burning fingers…
God, don’t let them burn out!
They should take the candle home with the fingers.

AuthorSvetlana Hristova-Jocić
2018-08-21T17:22:49+00:00 May 19th, 2012|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 83|0 Comments