The Death of a Siamese Twin

/, Blesok no. 92/The Death of a Siamese Twin

The Death of a Siamese Twin

The Little Rabbit
The Death of a Siamese Twin
To the Poppy

My Siamese twin died of a heart attack.
His half-asleep head
fell from the second elbow,
full with cannabinoids.
He died,
with his arm in a new jacket sleeve,
with his hair combed back,
his face shaved,
his side waxed.
With his gold watch,
his briefcase and
his credit card that was never dusted in white.
I lent him my useful limbs.
Now I will wait for the rest to dry
to peel away like an acne.

AuthorZoran Bejkovski
2018-08-21T17:22:41+00:00 November 3rd, 2013|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 92|0 Comments