The Dead Poet and the Young Lady

/, Blesok no. 23/The Dead Poet and the Young Lady

The Dead Poet and the Young Lady

The Room
Dear Friend
The Dead Poet and the Young Lady
Faithlessly Alone

I checked the walls
They will last
This room is tough
Though shaking at moments
I pronounce unclear words
I touch someone’s whispers
As if in the midst of a field
There rose midnight weeds
I appease the shouts
To keep the night pure
Free from passionate serenades
And abandoned faces
That shiver behind the walls

Some essence in the movements
Is the same with mine
For which
I must burn

AuthorJordan Danilovski
2018-08-21T17:23:41+00:00 November 1st, 2001|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 23|0 Comments