Slabing of Yellowness

/, Blesok no. 33/Slabing of Yellowness

Slabing of Yellowness

What You Said to Me
Graphic Art on the Window Glass
Deer in a Dream
Slabing of Yellowness
Your Eyes

your wonderful eyes
depicted on paper
are starring at me
oh god how beautiful they are
like blue mountain flowers
with magical power
your eyes
blue blossom
traced here by the holy ghost
on this paper
on paper
only on paper

all poems from “И/Dhe/And” – selection of young Macedonian poetry (Templum, 2002), edited by Iskra Geshoska and Dzhabir Ahmeti

AuthorLindita Ahmeti
2018-08-21T17:23:29+00:00 August 1st, 2003|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 33|0 Comments