Rodaan Al Galidi’s Miracle Egg

/, Blesok no. 92/Rodaan Al Galidi’s Miracle Egg

Rodaan Al Galidi’s Miracle Egg

I Want to Lie Beside You
In one year
Beautiful dream
This poem saved me
Eight Hundred and Sixty
Rodaan Al Galidi’s Miracle Egg
Attempt to Leave
Still Alive

I dreamt I was a cow.
In the dream I put on lipstick
and looked in the mirror,
seeing for the first time how beautiful I was.
‘Shame that all this beauty
is only for the bull’, whispered the mirror.
I came out of the stall
ate the ground for hours
and when night fell
I gave whole milk
instead of skim tears.

AuthorRodaan Al Galidi
2018-08-21T17:22:42+00:00 November 3rd, 2013|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 92|0 Comments