Nana Stories

/, Blesok no. 28/Nana Stories

Nana Stories

Nana Story – 1
Nana Story – 2
Nana Story – 3
The Clear End

Sunrays break down slowly.
Through thin and long rays my old car Excel speeds up.
Well, look
The light bounding like raindrops. I speed up to catch its bright longing.
A huge mount is in town where Nana lives, so I know that I cannot go there without a full hand or body.
I pack up well-dried drops, well-ripped sounds and well-massed tongues in the trunk.
I pass Wolgot.
I pass salt barns.
I pass a crossway straight at Seochang interchange.
Many faces I met by chance in my way are closing quickly, and then retreating slowly.
Maybe this way is an emergency exit to the bright end of the world.
Or, maybe it is the only escape to death.
Like Nana I am sad or happy.
Provisions given to me, gloom or delight. Like an animal hung on a cliff I am turning dry bit by bit.
Dusted love, it is mine, not others’.

* Wolgot, Seochang : small towns. We can see many old
salt barns, which is not using now, in a plain between
two towns

AuthorHanyong Jeong
2018-08-21T17:23:36+00:00 October 1st, 2002|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 28|0 Comments