My Blue Bird

/, Blesok no. 22/My Blue Bird

My Blue Bird

My Blue Bird
The Unread Script
Words from Blue Silence
A Stalk, a Saucer, a Bird
Simple Afternoon
Letters of Blood
The Bird… The Bird…

Upon each rock, upon each stone – a sign.
Someone etched signs through the darkness of time
with a stone upon a stone and now the whole homeland
has become an unreadable sign.
Tattooed on the rocks, the signs
that have dissolved in time,
that have pressed into the memory of the people –
now are holy signs in which streams
the blood and the secret of the Macedonian words:
words that were burned, ominous,
bloody slashes of knife,
shadowed by the cry of large disasters…

The whole homeland – a holy and unread script.

2018-08-21T17:23:43+00:00 October 1st, 2001|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 22|0 Comments