Love Dies and Other Poems

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Love Dies and Other Poems

Love Dies…
If I Could…
A Small Blade of Grass in the Field…
We Have Been through So Much
Plain Madness
We Were, and Now We Are Not
An Old Testament Woman

You stood firmly on the ground
I was high in the air
that’s the way it should be,
and everything that
joined us and made us
not know who is who
and what it what
but feeling that it’s good
was between us

And we were together all the time
when we sat and stood by each other
when we were alone
when we worked, or drove our cars
we were together again (strange but that’s how it was)

And we ate and drank a little, or nothing
and in a while, we started to look like
Robinson (I) and a plane (you)

As we walked the streets
in the restaurants where we went
we only met good people…

And I lost every sense to time
yesterday was far away
and what never was — was now

I spoke to you about my chat with the river
and you looked at me in wonder
you even knew how many days have passed
since we went out together for the first time (that’s a woman)

That’s who we were, both above and on the ground
I was strange, you amazed
and it was good, really it was

2018-08-21T17:22:52+00:00 December 21st, 2010|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 75|0 Comments