Leaning on its shadow

/, Blesok no. 60/Leaning on its shadow

Leaning on its shadow

* * * (There it is below, between two coasts)
The Preacher
Oh, Cavafy
Tohu va bohu 2
Two Silences
* * * (Just a while longer and I shall return home)
Nothing and Nobody
Everybody Is Alone
When You Are Far
* * * (In the space between two words)
He Went to Bed with the Word

Unread books
unfinished dreams –
was that life?

Everybody with his bundle of time
up and down, here and there,
until we recreated ourselves
in a sarcophagus of words,
in a white silence…

Unread books
unfinished dreams –
was that life?

2018-08-21T17:23:01+00:00 July 3rd, 2008|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 60|0 Comments