In Praise of Innocence

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In Praise of Innocence

In Praise of Innocence
Family Matters
The Object Taken
Sent Packing

When God fell downstairs and tried
to get up, he sought my hand.
He knew I was there. He’d heard
me cussing and cursing creation. But

I’d stopped, breathless with undirected
anger, while He with eyes that refused
to focus, and ears still ringing from the Fall –
only got to grips with the air molecules

around us. His vertebrae crushed, His
bones broken, a cripple for eternity, He said:
”Son, don’t listen to the lie, the meek
and mild will never conquer.

It isn’t Lucifer that lost, it’s I.”

AuthorHenk van Kerkwijk
2018-08-21T17:22:59+00:00 April 29th, 2009|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 65|0 Comments