In Poems It Always Looks Different

/, Blesok no. 58/In Poems It Always Looks Different

In Poems It Always Looks Different

Did I Ask For Something
An Imprint of the Pen
Porgy & Bess Band
The Infinitive

to lie, why not, words are
arbitrary anyway; words which aren’t things,
words which aren’t words. to lie, why not:
through words. I get up, go to the table: I didn’t get up,
didn’t come to the table, a radio switch
cannot pop out: if it’s pressed, well, then yes.

words are words, to lie and not to lie. why
shouldn’t I lie? why shouldn’t I utter any word
that obsesses me and not think of it –
while uttering it – absolutely not think of it. why:
(I do not want to) and speak and not
. in all three cases to “speak” is a lie.

to lie, why not lie. I started to say something
and already lied: the past perfect is not the present.
the present is the past perfect. words are not words.
words are words. to lie, why not? I positioned
my lips as if to say: attic. but I didn’t, my mouth
got cheated: to lie, why not. to lie to words,

to do words into a lie. turn them around. spit
on them. acting out tenderness. words aren’t words.
the bastard of a lip. the smoke of an oral cavity,
residue of a blabbing memory. words (to lie, why not?)
to transfer them from a tongue to teeth, then to a palate,
finally to a whirl: to lie, why not?

Translated by: Mario Šuško

AuthorZvonko Maković
2018-08-21T17:23:04+00:00 February 25th, 2008|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 58|0 Comments