Cinderella in Chrome Casket

/, Blesok no. 97/Cinderella in Chrome Casket

Cinderella in Chrome Casket

The Gentle Crush of Lines around the Lips
Bikini for Baby, Blues for the Dewdrop
All the Best Poems Talk about Longing and Glass and Fast Cars and Other Fragile Things
In the Cheap Candy Storefront
Noise, Speckles, Waking
Eskimo Meets Albino

I’m not a slow-motion hitchhiker
I’m not a cynic at thirty
life is cruel
to those who lack a sense of humor

I’m getting nitpicky
I’m getting spoiled
and Sunday lunch with the folks
is a silent comedy
with the press of politics
and a touch of poison in the last round

discipline –
is it a passion?
order –
is that someone’s idea of a joke?
words don’t function
TVs are extinguished stars

I’m getting nervous
I’m getting lonely
in a perfect world
there are no coincidences
I sit before my plate
cheeks punctured

I entered the box
& with unsteady steps
learned to be
almond, lemon, monkey

I’m getting lonely

AuthorZvonko Karanović
2018-08-21T17:22:37+00:00 August 23rd, 2014|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 97|0 Comments