An Unwritten Poem

/, Blesok no. 77-79/An Unwritten Poem

An Unwritten Poem

There Are Some Ordinary Lives, but All Loves Are Extraordinary
Some Poets Write As They Live
Tonight, My Love, Fire Walks Through the City
An Unwritten Poem
Question Mark
The Invisible, My Love, Overflows with Meaning
We Have Nothing Left, My Love, Except Love
When You Are Not With Me in Tomai
The Window Was Blind
It Happened In Broad Daylight

When you are not with me in Tomai I chisel you day and night
in the middle of the garden out of the crystal clear
air of Karst … From the memory of the eyes which have
looked at you, and of the hands which have caressed you
for a long time. From the memory of my heart which has heard
the beating of yours, beating with it in harmony.
From the memory of the soul, which has kept the indelible
traces of our laughter and weeping, sadness and joy … When
you are not with me in Tomai I chisel you day and night
in the middle of the garden out of the crystal clear
air of Karst … In natural size and invisible
to all but me.

Translated by Evald Flisar

2018-08-21T17:22:51+00:00 August 1st, 2011|Categories: Poetry, Blesok no. 77-79|0 Comments