Masterfully, Venko!

/, Literature, Blesok no. 59/Masterfully, Venko!

Masterfully, Venko!

The cooperation of discourses is possible, full-blood and life-making. From a naked beauty an essay can “run”, or a quite human and love replica can “drop” from the priest’s robe. It is warm, quite human for an emotion to come out of the uniform or robe, just as a philosophical river can flow from the naked beauty, opening to the ocean…
The types of discourse are in mutual erotisation as well. The world of discourses is mutually “stimulated”. This stimulation is the juiciest “food” of the “juice” that is producing the dynamic in this book.
But what is the point of the “mix” of discourses? It is of course not a bare experiment, but a sheer need for artistic authentication not only of discourses, but also the universes of thoughts, feelings, experiencing. All of this complex, composite system of love making of discourses is not an empty fashionable fornication or a parade of obvious brilliant abilities of the creator of this book. It is maybe the most acoustic possible dialogism among the entities and most sophisticated theories, which can also be understood through “ini centuries”. There is no curtain between them. It is a proof that if one author wished to “disperse” to several authors, he can conduct a polyphone, deepest intellectual and emotional conversation, inside his own home. And his home is the novel, which is probably the most compact in this decomposing process, for it is paradoxical that the novel, as much as it displays a need to be decomposed, a new, potential composition is made in the background… But it is not “hard” and final given thing, for it is completed throughout the centuries… And now we are only transit co-authors of the book, which is yet to be written…
Imagine the “spice” to all of this… The gentlest children’s images that we all remember through a “sfumato”: when the child goes for a holiday with his parents in a small “Zastava” and he sticks his little nose on the back car window. Or when Ante and Varošlija, together with Father – are drunk with the poison of printing lead in “Nova Makedonija”… Just imagine this yearning world… For a while now they have been – literature… even when they were life…

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This is only part of the original procedures that this book inventively uses to dismiss the pre-clichés of narratology, but also with – l i f e o l o g y. One of this disputed clichés is that: “literature imitates the reality”. The author’s ideal is opposite: fiction produces reality! It gives the reality a new, possible idea! That is what happens in the book. All the directions in the narrative voice are directed to the red haired girl. She follows the love directions via letters, via parts of the novel which is created in the meantime. This outdated way of communication has something that no electronic mail or telephone can provide. In the world in which we forgot what a letter is, what a novel is, there can no longer be a classical letter or a classical novel. Nor an imitation of a reality. Although I know that a hidden dream of each couple or potential lovers is this type of communication – via postponing. This is a novel of eternal postponing, it corresponds with your life. The pencil inside the novel, or the pages that are to be written, are just symbols of the tool that we need. To finish or rewrite our life. In the way that it is done by the authors or authors’ voices in this book.
In a marketing world, in a world where the (already spent) idea of life is aggressively advertised, in a world where it is dangerous to seriously follow the directions for an ideal look, the world of diets, laws, rules, tortures, inquisitions, media lynching. For the world desperately belong to labels, advertisements for a so-called “ideal” life. In the world of invisible studios, stages and local Hollywood-s is it healthy to wish for another (undirected) world, from which we might get a new idea of life.

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So, “enter” the novel Veštica freely for a while. Live this novel.. Reading it. And then, pure and rehabilitated, “enter” your lives again…
And we honestly live the novel Veštica, rather than only reading it – then a new, freshest possibility and idea is born – to stat reading our lives differently. Not later, as silent witnesses of our own lives, but as main characters. Just as the reader in this book rebels and wants to be an author. If the new fresh idea of your new life starts to come to life after the encounter with this grandiose book – the mission is fulfilled! Especially if after our newest life with the novel Veštica we get rid of at least one inquisition or prison. Do this, at the moment when the author wants to come out of the cover page world and come to you, you should go where he came from..

Maybe you will be a less secret document to yourself…
For maybe we are written somewhere, without knowing it. Maybe we are someone’s dreamt story or character. Or we are a “letter” written somewhere. Maybe we are a novel or a “piece” of novel. Someone’s unknown dream…
Maybe someone has already written our lives and given us a new idea to think.
For we are only a possible metonymy of ourselves. For now we are only – what we think we are. And this is only – part of the possible us!
Just as the stories are but a smaller part of the bigger story, which is constantly re-desribed and re-created…
And the novels grow from a world of darkness… They are the light.

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I have the honor to publicly thank and salute the author of the book. This novel is the new beautiful face of the Macedonian culture! A face that the world will read from…

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This novel is not read, it is lived… As any masterpiece.

Masterfully, Venko!

Translated by: Elizabeta Bakovska

AuthorKristina Nikolovska
2018-08-21T17:23:03+00:00 May 10th, 2008|Categories: Reviews, Literature, Blesok no. 59|0 Comments